What are UV Flatbed Printers Reasons for Color Deviation?
- FninkJet
1. Ink problem.
Due to the different ratios of pigment components in some inks and the ink strings in the ink cartridges, UV flatbed printers printed patterns will have color deviations.
2. The effect of the nozzle.
When the print settings are normal, there are still color deviations in the printed colors, which are caused by damaged nozzles.
3. The accuracy of the device itself.
Although the same nozzles are selected for print accuracy, the actual print results are different. The main problem is the accuracy of the equipment. This can also cause color deviations to occur.
4. Printing software problems.
When we buy a UV printer, the manufacturer comes with special software for UV printers. The software can reach 100% of the original color. Does not cause color deviation. Therefore, it is recommended to use the printing software that came with the factory. Other software is not recommended as it may cause color deviation when printing the pattern.
UV flatbed printers for sale
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